Benefits of Ionic Foot Baths

What is an ionic foot bath?

What better way to get rid of toxins than combining a foot bath with an ionizing effect than an ionic foot bath? An anionic foot bath is a natural way to help the body eliminate harmful toxins and heavy metals, which is commonly offered in spas, hair salons, and holistic healthcare centers. The bath works like a magnet and works to cancel out and eliminate toxins from the body. It uses water charged with positive and negative ions, which helps draw toxins out of your body through your feet.

We’re constantly reminded to keep our bodies clean by washing our hands and bathing daily to prevent illnesses, but what about the inside of our bodies? Let’s consider our frequent contact with air pollution, over-chlorinated and fluorinated water, food additives, acid rain, and GMOs. These can cause our body’s internal mechanisms to be overwhelmed and not clean themselves as well as they should.

What are the benefits of it?

The benefits are abundant, but the ones that stood out to us the most are:

  • Purging of heavy metals

  • Reduced inflammation

  • More balanced PH

  • Enhanced immune system-Improves sleep

  • Increases oxygen in the body

  • Improves sleep and relaxation

  • It improves the body’s lymph circulation, similar to a Swedish massage

  • It helps reduce and relieve migraines and headaches

  • Increase natural energy levels

  • Relieves muscle and joint pain and swelling

How does it work?

The Isthmus Wellness Holistic Center in Wisconsin explains how it works, “An Electrical current passes through a set of plates in a module. The module is immersed in the water inside the foot bath. The foot bath contains unique sea salt, which has a similar mineral content to ocean water. While your feet are in the water, the foot bath system emits positive and negative ions. This reenergizes the body, along with red blood cells. It eliminates toxins that are stored in fat, kidneys, liver, bowels, and skin.”

The foot bath also triggers the body’s lymphatic system, which helps with continued detoxification for up to 24-48 hours after the session.

What to expect?

A typical session will take between 30-40 minutes while the client sits in a comfortable chair. Most people find the entire experience relaxing and often fall asleep. Although some individuals may experience a tingling sensation from the ionic foot bath, it’s not to the point where it’s uncomfortable enough to stop the session. After each session, most people feel a greater sense of well-being, focus, and relaxation, as there is usually no pain. Clients are advised to stay hydrated and drink plenty of water to make elimination more manageable and more comfortable. It is suggested, to begin with a total of 6 sessions over 3-5 weeks to maximize benefits. After the initial sessions, you can switch to monthly sessions, but this would be best determined by your doctor or speak with a medical professional.

Who can get one?

Most people (over the age of 10) can get an ionic foot bath, and the best time to get one (for those who are not suffering from a specific alignment) is during spring and fall. It is also advised if you have a pacemaker, have an organ transplant, have epilepsy, are a hemophiliac, have open sore or lesions on your feet, or have diabetes, use this therapy with precaution or talk to your doctor first before proceeding with it.