Deer Lake Lodge

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The Benefits of Colonic Cleansing: How to Detoxify Your Body

All About Colonic Cleansing: From Professional Services to Supplement Options

Toxins can accumulate in our bodies in many places. The main reason for this is dehydration.  Your colon does not function properly if you do not consume enough water daily.  Diet and medication can also exasperate the issue.  If your elimination system gets clogged, your other organs become overburdened.

Hence, the myriad of different detoxes and cleanses we can do to help rid our bodies of toxins. A cleanse that has ancient roots is a colonic cleanse. Our intestines influence how we feel in a powerful way – one many people overlook. A colon cleanse is a natural way to help with health complications that stem from toxins in the intestines. As you research different ways to detox your body, use this as your guide to everything you need to know about colonic cleanses. Let’s start with what a colonic cleanse is; then, we will dive into the results people achieve with colonic cleanses, and we’ll end with considerations for anyone thinking about a colonic cleanse.

What is a Colonic Cleanse?

In short, a colonic cleanse is a way to rid your intensities of buildup that can become toxic to your body over time. There are different ways a colonic cleanse can be performed. One of which is called colon hydrotherapy.

Colon Hydrotherapy

Colon hydrotherapy is the use of water to flush out the large intestine. The process starts with the practitioner providing instructions on how to use the hydrotherapy bed and how to insert a pencil-sized tube into the rectum (they may also help you with this process if needed).  Then the practitioner leaves the room, so the client privately undresses from the waist down. During this time, the practitioner will set up for the procedure.  The practitioner will check back in, ensure the client is comfortable, and provide assistance if needed. 

Filtered, purified, and temperature-controlled water then gently flows through the tube, releasing waste. Up to 10 gallons of water may be used (depending on the client's need). At the end of the session, a rinsing sprayer is used to clean the area.

Colon Cleansing Supplements or Medications

Colon cleanses can also be done with the use of supplements or medications. The supplements or medications that trigger your body to cleanse itself can either be taken by mouth or through the rectum, depending on which is used. Examples of supplements or medications that can be used include different varieties of herbal teas, magnesium supplements, different types of enzymes, laxatives, and enemas. Of course, using supplements and medications doesn’t flush out your intestines in the same way colon hydrotherapy does.

Results Achieved with Colon Hydrotherapy or Supplements

Our bodies naturally detox what we ingest as part of our digestion system. With that said, toxins can still make their way into our intestines, building up over time. As those toxins build up, we can experience various complications. Many of these people have found colon hydrotherapy to be helpful. Below are typical results that have been achieved by individuals that chose to do a colonic cleanse:  

  • Colonic for constipation, finding that colon cleanses help calibrate the digestive track

  • Rehydration provides numerous benefits to the body.  Colon hydrotherapy is an accelerated way to rehydrate vs. drinking 100 oz of water. 

  • General fatigue or low energy levels have been resolved through colon hydrotherapy.

  • Colon cleanse weight loss results have astounded patients (you may be surprised with how much you have stored up!)

  • Colonic cleanses have been helpful in boosting immunity.

  • Overall improved mindset has been achieved through colonic cleanses.

Thorough research has yet to be done on colonic cleanses to highlight the full scope of health benefits of colon hydrotherapy. Though research is lacking, the testimonials of people speak volumes. So does the fact that colonic cleanses are an ancient practice still appreciated today.

Considerations for Individuals Interested in Colonic Cleansing

Like anything having to do with health, it’s always best to check with your doctor before choosing to do a colonic cleanse, colon hydrotherapy, or otherwise. Additionally, the colon hydrotherapy industry is not as regulated as one might assume. Because of that, it’s vital to conduct your own diligent research when selecting a practitioner. Lastly, colon hydrotherapy can have some side effects if you are not prepared appropriately. Ask your practitioner how you can best avoid the below potential side effects:

  • Imbalance of electrolytes

  • Medication absorption changes (day of)

  • Nausea can occur when toxins start to move about – this typically occurs before a large release

The potential side effects someone may experience can change from person to person – above and beyond what is listed above. That is why it’s recommended to check with your doctor before doing a colonic cleanse. The right practitioner will guide you through avoiding things like nausea, hence the importance of carefully selecting your practitioner.

The Trusted Team at Deer Lake Lodge

Colon hydrotherapy and cleanses can benefit many individuals, leading to a well-functioning digestive tract and optimizing overall health. If you are interested in ridding your body of harmful toxins through colon hydrotherapy, visit Deer Lake Lodge. Their immense care in improving their clients’ health ensures they have a standard-setting approach to colon hydrotherapy allowing clients to relax and enjoy their journey to improved health.

Source: WebMD, Colon Cleanse